Wednesday, November 25, 2009

In this secret place I'll hide away that I might hear a simple word- Jennifer Knapp

It's funny how telling a Bible story that you've heard since before you were 4 years old (the youngest age of my students) can have new effects on you 20 years. For instance, the story of Moses. That's the story I told my story 2 weeks ago in class. Last year, it's the story that my kids acted out in chapel. But this year, seeing as I have incredibly squirmy boys, I decided to take those kids out to the stream on campus to have a look at the papyrus! 

I dramatically pretended I was putting a baby in the reeds, then jumped over pretending to be Pharoh's daughter, then jumped back pretending to be Miriam. The kids seemed to enjoy it and were really intrigued in the papyrus. It's something they pass on a daily basis, but never really thought about what it was. 
We paused for a photo op before returning to our room:

It was good that we had this small exhibition, because more recently, along with our new recycling project (a blog will come soon about this) we had a man come in and teach us about paper. When he whipped out this huge dandelion like green twig, my kids knew what it was (compared to the high schoolers who were stumped)! 

Will you pray with me that as I continue to teach these time-old stories, that they would sink into their minds and teach them something useful to their own lives? I am often trying to think of more and more creative ways to present these topics as they hit me in new ways as well. It's so neat to think that just 2 hours from here in the source of the great river that Moses hid in. 
The lyrics to the title of this post are from a song that has been going through my head a lot in the past few months, and it's just such a reminder to take time to hide away...but not from someone like baby Moses. Hide IN the Lord! Just to hear that simple word that he is trying to whisper gently in your ear.

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