Thursday, November 26, 2009

I am so glad...I wanna thank you Lord-Third Day

This last Thursday in November is a bit different for me than other Americans in the world. Any US citizen living outside of America at the moment would agree with me that our day is not viewed at the same. However, just because the location that I am in is not celebrating Thanksgiving does not mean I can't! In fact, even though I was teaching in school, I did teach the kids what it was. This year, I have looked up all of the holidays from the different countries that we are all from and we are going to learn about and celebrate them all! I'm really looking forward to it all.So, from an American living in's some of the things that I am thankful for:
Family: you really realize how much they are each worth living away from them all
Friends: who are so amazing in the blessings that they provide on a daily life
Teachers: Just now, as I was typing this, a fellow teacher from school called me to tell me that there was a rainbow in the sky! 
Little friends: when we got outside to check out the rainbow we showed our little ascari's son (Obeti) the rainbow and said "Range" (rahn-gay) which means colors in swahili. We went up on the balcony and took a snap with him.  Can you see the rainbow in the background? I'm also thankful for the little kiddos that I teach and am impacting- what a privilage!
Rainbows: it's just one of my pet cleeves. THEY are a-maz-ing. :D I started jumping up and down sceaming- in fact my friend who is visiting me thought someone had given me a gift I was so happy. Someone had- GOD!
God: He is my everything. My comfort, my provider, my shelter...yeah...He's great!
Flowers: i've kept my dying roses from my kids, which a neighbor finds silly, but they still bring me joy so why get rid of them? I'm thankful for the children who bring me flowers EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Music: I don't know how I could live with out it. I sing constantly and am so thankful for the ability to express myself through it. 
Food: I've been trying new things and finding new things that I can eat...maybe I'm on my way to eating normal? Now that would be something to be THANKFUL for!
Chai Tea: Such a filling and comforting snack at the end of a day of teaching.
Skype: I am so thankful for the ability to actually communicate with people. 

This list could go on and on... I pray that you have a blessed Thanksgiving and remember to be thankful to our Lord for the little blessings in our lives. 

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