Sunday, April 10, 2011

"Behold the Man upon a cross, my sin upon his shouldersrs

I think I have a new favorite sound. Every time we have Communion at KIU, right after people are told to drink the "wine" there's a steady clinking sound. It's people placing their cups back on the desk in which they are seated! I know it might not seem like a special sound, but each time I hear it I smile, and with hundreds of these tiny cups being placed on wood, it's so symbolic. The wood brings a whole other aspect to the picture- in a sense, we were the ones nailing Christ to the wooden cross. It was our sin that held him there, just as the great hymn "How deep the father's love for us" affirms. We are the ones whose blood should have been shed on that wood. But Christ took that for us. Each one of those cups stands for someone who is accepting Christ's sacrifice and willingly saying "Lord, help me, a sinner". There's such beauty there.

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