Wednesday, July 23, 2008

All my bags are packed

As hard as it is to believe, I leave today. At 6:30 pm I will take off from Newark and head to London for a 14 hour lay over, then at 9 pm I will board another plane headed to Entebbe, Uganda.
Am I ready? I don't really know. My bags are almost ready to go, but my brain is probably not. But I'm not sure it ever will be. I know that Uganda is where I am supposed to be, I know that I will be doing great things there, and having all sorts of new adventures, but it will be hard for me to leave home. One great thing about modern technology is Skype...the free online video chat service! Check it out, its pretty great. Now I just have to pray that Uganda's internet service is fast enough to handle it ;)
Besides prayers for mental health as I leave, and for traveling mercies, I have a physical prayer request. The other night I was going to sit down and I missed the chair (big surprise coming from me) and now I have 7 cuts going up my spine. They are not large, some are tiny but others are at least the size of a nickel and it hurts to sit against anything. Great for going on an airplane for 15 hours, huh? I've got some pain numbing meds, so hopefully that will help, but pray that I would be comfortable on the airplane and that the wounds would heal.
Many of you have been so amazing these past few months as I have been preparing for this journey, and I am SOOOO grateful for that. Please keep the encouraging words coming. I may not have gotten a chance to respond to all of you in my craziness, but they have not gone unappreciated at all. Hopefully I will get a chance to reply during my week of settling in to my new environment.  Once I get to Uganda and rest up some, I'll be sure to take pictures of my place and let you know how the adventure over was. 
Lastly, do I have enough funds to hit the skies? Yes! Wouldn't you know that I have about $9563 in my account presently (with more promised to come in) and the amount I had to have was $9545. God works wonders :) Pretty cool if I do say so myself. Thanks for letting God use you to help me get where He wants me to be serving Him!
For now, Weebale (Thank you) and Weeraba (Good bye). God Bless!


Allison Duncan said...

Hi Jean! Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you as you take this big step of leaving your home country and going to the land God has shown you, like Abraham and Sarah. May He grant you His encouragement, peace, and safety as you make that transition in glad obedience to Him. I admire your courage, and I know God will reward you for it! Love,

Allison Duncan

Unknown said...

Hi Jean,
How in the world did you miss the chair? We are greatful that the airplane has seat belts and headrests so you shouldn't have had any issues there (except of course the slits in your spine!).
We are praying you are arriving in Uganda shortly and that your journey through England was uneventful. Praise the Lord for safety in transportation and in England itself. Godspeed!
Steve & Demi